Useful Links
Fee Schedule
*According to CRS 22-32-117 school fees are not mandatory. However, without collection of an administrative school fee Vanguard would not be able to provide adequate materials to supplement our curriculum. Non-instructional fees and services, such as sports, clubs, yearbooks, etc. are not included in this waiver.
**Waivers of certain fees are granted for free or reduced-price lunch under the National Income Poverty Guidelines. Please fill out the form online. Families are responsible for the full price of lunch until Free and Reduced Lunch forms are processed and approved by the state.
Free or Reduced Child Care Fees (CCAP)
The Colorado Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP) application is attached for manual completion. The form can also be completed on line at the following link: https://colorado.gov/PEAK
Kindergarten through 5th Grade
VCS will continue the parent benefit of free childcare for Kindergarten through 5th grade students for Monday Care and for the Before and After School Program on Tuesday through Friday. In order for that benefit families must complete the Colorado Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP) application, as STARS accepts the CCAP subsidy. All parents that qualify for CCAP need to provide verification in the form of an Authorized Eligibility Notice with the requested location that care is needed. This information is provided to a client through an assigned caseworker upon approval. (You will receive the free benefit even if you do not qualify.)
*Failure to provide an approved authorization for the site where care is needed will result in full price charges.
If a parent/guardian does not complete the CCAP application, the following fee schedule applies to each student utilizing the MondayCare and Tuesday-Friday Before and After School Care programs:
- Morning Care 6:30 to 7:30 am – $6 per day
- Afternoon 3:30 to 6:00 PM – $17 per day
- MondayCare – 6:30 am to 6:00 PM – $30 per day
- Maximum cost per family is $35 per day for MondayCare.
Sixth through 8th Grade
Students from sixth through eighth grade can attend the MondayCare and the Tuesday-Friday Before and After School Care programs for a fee based upon the following schedule:
- Morning Care 6:30 to 7:30 am – $6 per day
- Afternoon 3:30 to 6:00 PM – $17 per day
- MondayCare – 6:30 am to 6:00 PM – $30 per day
Application Assistance
Vanguard Classical School will provide assistance in completing the CCAP application. Please speak to Front Desk to connect you to the appropriate staff.
School Accountability Committee (SAC)
Colorado Statute: SAC Responsibilities and Associated Resources
All schools and districts are required by state law to convene an Accountability Committee. Statute requires that School and District Accountability Committees fulfill the following responsibilities defined in the left column. Resources related to each responsibility are included on the right.
Dress Code

Vanguard Classical School follows a dress code that is conducive to learning as well as manageable to enforce by the Vanguard educational team. Research indicates that a uniform dress code minimizes peer pressure, improves the appearance of the student body, and reinforces an academic atmosphere (Manual on School Uniforms, U.S. Department of Education). Additionally, the dress code facilitates the overall security of the school since visitors are readily identifiable by the Vanguard educational team.
Enrollment at Vanguard Classical School constitutes acceptance of this policy, agreement to adhere to and support the policy, and acknowledgement of discipline for noncompliance as set forth in the Vanguard Discipline Code. The final decision as to the safety or unsuitability of the clothing, hair, or jewelry will be determined by the Leadership Team of the school.
Students may NOT be out of dress code at any point during the school day.
There is an exception for physical education classes. Students may change out for 9-12 PE classes into clothing that is designed for athletic wear and is approved by their PE teacher no more than five (5) minutes before the class begins. The student must change back into appropriate dress code attire no more than five (5) minutes after the class ends.
Please note that school colors include navy blue, maroon, and white.
Vanguard greatly appreciates fiscal donations or supplies. Please call our front office for more information. You may ask for a donation letter for qualifying tax deductions.
Title IX
Vanguard Classical School defers its Title IX policies to those presented by
Aurora Public Schools – Please click the link to verify all details of APS
policies: APS District Policies
Title IX All Staff Training Documents
Title IX Formal Complaint Form
Mandatory trainings in compliance with Title IX, effective August 1, 2024 has been
completed by all parties below through the Colorado League of Charter Schools.
(See below)
Vanguard Classical School 2024-2025 Title IX Coordinators East & West
Coordinators | Position | |
Dr. Monique Jones | Director of Human Resources and Operations | mjones@vanguardclassical.org |
Sean Lewis | Elementary Assistant Principal East | slewis@vanguardclassical.org |
Katy Gauthier | Middle School Assistant Principal East | kgauthier@vanguardclassical.org |
Sean Bakersky | High School Assistant Principal East | sbakersky@vanguardclassical.org |
Morgan King | K-8 Assistant Principal West | morganking@vanguardclassical.org |
Vanguard Classical School 2024-2025 Title IX Investigators East & West
Investigators | Position | |
Jaimie Pierce | Elementary Dean of Student Culture East | jpierce@vanguardclassical.org |
Karen Mortensen | K8 Exceptional Student Services Coordinator West | kmortensen@vanguardclassical.org |
Andrea Southcott | K8 Literacy Coach | asouthcott@vanguardclassical.org |
Sabas Del Toro | K8 Dean of Student Culture West | sdeltoro@vanguardclassical.org |
Jillian Kim | K12 Literacy Coach East | jkim@vanguardclassical.org |
Tawerence White | Secondary Dean of Student Culture East | twhite@vanguardclassical.org |
Vanguard Classical School 2024-2025 Title IX Decision-Makers
Decision-Makers | Position | |
Karen Secor | Executive Director | ksecor@vanguardclassical.org |
Keria McCafferty | Executive Principal | kmccafferty@vanguardclassical.org |